Breville Toaster Oven Not Turning On: How to Fix?

Breville Toaster Oven Not Turning On: How to Fix?

A Breville toaster oven is a handy kitchen gadget that does more than just toast bread. It can bake, broil, and roast your favorite foods. What occurs when it abruptly stops working? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll explore the possible reasons why your Breville toaster oven might have called it quits and offer some simple steps to fix it.

From power problems to issues with the heating elements or timer, we’ll walk you through troubleshooting each potential issue. In this guide, we will delve into how to fix Breville Toaster Oven Not Turning On.

Why is Your Breville Toaster Oven Not Heating?

It can be quite disappointing when you’re in the middle of cooking with your toaster oven, and suddenly, it decides to stop working. Most of the time, it catches us off guard, leaving us puzzled about what could have caused it.

If you’ve encountered this issue, fret not! Let’s delve into the possible reasons why your Breville toaster oven might have stopped working:

Faulty Circuit Board:

Inside your toaster oven, there’s a circuit board responsible for managing all its functions. Sometimes, due to overheating or sparking, this circuit board can become faulty, leading to the oven shutting down unexpectedly.

Power Supply Problems:

Even the best toaster oven won’t work if it’s not receiving power. Before assuming the worst, make sure to check if there’s electricity flowing to your oven. You can use a power tester for this, but remember to prioritize safety and wear protective gear.

Damaged Power Cord:

Over time, the power cord of your toaster oven can wear out, especially if it’s been subjected to high power usage. Broken joints in the cord can disrupt the flow of electricity, causing the oven to stop working.

Heating Element Issues:

If your toaster oven isn’t heating up, it’s likely due to a faulty heating element. Overheating or wear and tear can lead to the element malfunctioning, preventing your oven from cooking properly.

Sparking or Burning Smell:

Notice any sparks or burning smells? That’s a clear indication of a problem with the toaster oven. It could be a short circuit or overheating issue, necessitating immediate repairs to avoid further damage.

Power Outage:

Sometimes, the simplest explanation is the correct one. If there’s a power outage in your area, your toaster oven won’t function until the power is restored. Keep an eye on your home’s power indicators to confirm if this is the case.

Loose Cord Connection:

Ensure that the power cord of your toaster oven is securely plugged into a functioning outlet. A loose connection can cause the cord to disconnect during operation, halting the oven’s performance unexpectedly.

By identifying these potential issues and taking appropriate action, you can troubleshoot your Breville toaster oven effectively and get it back in working condition in no time. You should also know why the Miele Steam oven not draining.

Breville Toaster Oven Not Turning On Troubleshooting

When your Breville toaster oven unexpectedly stops working, it can be frustrating. There are steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue:

Check the Power Supply:

Start by ensuring that the toaster oven is plugged into a functioning power outlet. Sometimes, a loose connection or power outage can cause the oven to stop working.

Inspect the Power Cord:

Inspect the power cord thoroughly for any indications of harm or deterioration. If you notice any cuts, frays, or loose connections, it may be causing the problem. Consider replacing the power cord if it’s damaged to restore proper functionality.

Test the Circuit Board:

If the power cord appears to be intact, the issue may lie with the circuit board. Carefully inspect the circuit board for any signs of damage, such as burnt components or melted solder joints. If you’re comfortable with electronics, you can attempt to repair or replace the circuit board yourself. Otherwise, seek professional assistance.

Check the Heating Elements:

If the toaster oven is not heating properly, the heating elements may be at fault. Open the oven and visually inspect the heating elements for any signs of damage or malfunction. If they appear to be broken or defective, they may need to be replaced.

Address Any Sparking or Burning Smells:

If you notice sparking or a burning smell before the oven stops working, it’s crucial to address this issue immediately. Unplug the oven and carefully inspect the interior for any signs of damage or burnt components. If necessary, replace any damaged parts to prevent further issues.

Consult the User Manual:

Refer to the user manual that came with your Breville toaster oven for troubleshooting tips and guidance. It may provide specific instructions for common issues and how to resolve them effectively.

Seek Professional Help:

If you’re unable to diagnose or fix the problem on your own, don’t hesitate to seek professional assistance. Contact Breville customer support or a certified appliance repair technician for expert help in diagnosing and repairing the toaster oven.


In conclusion, when your Breville toaster oven stops turning on, it can be frustrating, but there are steps you can take to troubleshoot and fix the issue. Remember to prioritize safety and seek professional help if needed, especially when dealing with electrical components or complex repairs. By taking appropriate action, you can get your toaster oven back up and running, ensuring delicious meals are just a toast away.


After a power outage, try unplugging the toaster oven for a few minutes and then plugging it back in. If it still doesn’t turn on, check the circuit breaker or fuse box to ensure there are no issues with the power supply to the outlet.

Yes, a faulty timer can prevent the toaster oven from turning on. If the timer is malfunctioning, it may not engage the oven’s heating elements or control the power supply properly. Consider testing the timer functionality or replacing it if necessary.

If the toaster oven stops turning on unexpectedly, check for any visible signs of damage, such as burnt wires or components. Inspect the power cord, heating elements, and internal circuitry for any issues. If no obvious problems are found, consider contacting Breville customer support or a certified technician for further assistance.

Yes, excessive overheating can potentially damage the internal components of the toaster oven, leading to failure to turn on. Ensure proper ventilation around the appliance and avoid using it for extended periods at high temperatures to prevent overheating-related issues.

Regular cleaning and inspection of the toaster oven’s components can help prevent issues that may cause it to stop turning on. Remove any food debris, grease buildup, or residue from the interior and exterior of the oven. Additionally, check for loose connections, damaged wires, or signs of wear and tear that may affect its functionality.

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