Kalorik Air Fryer Not Turning On: How to Fix?

Kalorik Air Fryer Not Turning On: How to Fix?

Air fryers are super popular nowadays because they make yummy, crispy food without using a lot of oil. The Kalorik air fryer is a hot item because it looks cool and is easy to use. But sometimes, just like any other gadget, it might not turn on when you want to cook, which can be annoying.

But don’t worry! In this article, we’ll show you what to do if your Kalorik air fryer not turning on. We’ll give you some easy steps to try to fix it yourself. Plus, we’ll talk about why this might be happening in the first place. And if you still need help, we’ll tell you how to get in touch with Kalorik’s customer service for extra support. So let’s get your air fryer cooking again!

Potential Causes of Kalorik Air Fryer Not Turning On

Here’s why your Kalorik Air Fryer might not be turning on, and how to fix it:

Electrical Issues: Sometimes, it’s not the air fryer itself, but the electricity supply that’s the problem. Verify if the socket is operational by inserting a different appliance. If not, it might be a tripped breaker, which can be fixed by resetting it.

Power Cord Problems: Ensure the power cord is securely plugged in at both ends. Clean any debris or grease that might be blocking the connection.

Internal Fuse: Inside the air fryer, there’s a thermal fuse that can trip if it gets too hot. Verify it using a multimeter and replace it as required.

Control Panel Issues: If the control panel is faulty, the air fryer won’t work properly. Inspect it for any damage or burnt areas, and consider replacing it if needed.

Faulty Power Button: Sometimes, the power button or switch can get stuck due to grease or debris. Try working the button to loosen it, or replace it if necessary.

Incorrect Basket Insertion: Make sure the fryer basket is properly inserted. If not, the air fryer might give an error message and refuse to turn on.

Heating Problems: If the air fryer turns on but doesn’t heat up, double-check that everything is closed and inserted correctly.

If none of these solutions work, your air fryer might need to be replaced. Check if it’s still under warranty, or consider purchasing a new one, as they’re often relatively affordable. You might even find a good deal on platforms like Facebook Marketplace or eBay.

How to Fix Kalorik Air Fryer Not Turning On?

When your Kalorik Air Fryer refuses to turn on, don’t worry! Here are some simple troubleshooting steps you can follow to get it back up and running:

  • Check the Power Source: Verify that the air fryer is securely connected to a functional electrical socket. Test the outlet with another appliance to confirm it’s functional.
  • Inspect the Power Cord: Inspect the power cord thoroughly to detect any signs of damage or loose connections. Make sure it’s securely plugged into both the air fryer and the outlet.
  • Reset the Circuit Breaker: If the outlet is fine but the air fryer still won’t turn on, check the circuit breaker. Look for any tripped breakers in the breaker panel and reset them if necessary.
  • Clean and Check for Debris: Remove any debris or buildup from both the power cord and the air fryer itself. Grease or dirt can sometimes block connections and prevent the appliance from turning on.
  • Verify the Basket Position: Ensure that the fryer basket is inserted correctly into the air fryer. If it’s not properly seated, the appliance may not activate as a safety measure.
  • Inspect the Control Panel: Check the control panel for any visible damage or malfunctioning buttons. Clean the panel carefully and ensure all buttons are responding properly.
  • Test Internal Fuse: If all else fails, there may be an issue with the internal thermal fuse. Consult the user manual for instructions on how to check and replace the fuse if needed.

By following these troubleshooting steps, you can hopefully identify and resolve the issue causing your Kalorik Air Fryer not to turn on. If problems persist, consider contacting Kalorik customer service for further assistance. You should also know why the Galanz Microwave is not heating.

Maintenance and Preventive Tips for Kalorik Air Fryer

Preventing your Kalorik air fryer from refusing to turn on in the future involves some simple precautions and good habits. Here’s what you can do:

  1. Avoid Overuse: Using the air fryer excessively can make it overheat and damage its insides. Try not to use it for too long at once, and give it breaks between uses.
  2. Keep It Clean: Regularly clean your air fryer to prevent dust and gunk from building up inside. This buildup can mess with how well it works. Clean it thoroughly after each use following the manufacturer’s instructions.
  3. Handle Cords with Care: Treat the power cord gently. Bending or pulling it too hard can break it, making your air fryer useless.
  4. Stable Surface: Always put your air fryer on a flat, steady surface. If it’s wobbly or unstable, it could fall and get damaged, or even cause accidents.
  5. Inspect Regularly: Take a look at your air fryer now and then. Check for any damage, like cracks in the casing or frayed cords. Catching these problems early can save you from bigger issues later on.

By following these simple tips, you can keep your Kalorik air fryer in top shape and avoid the hassle of it not turning on in the future. Taking care of your appliance means it’ll keep cooking up delicious meals for a long time to come.

How to Contact Kalorik Air Fryer Customer Service?

Kalorik Air Fryer Customer Service is here to help if you’ve tried troubleshooting but your air fryer still won’t turn on.

Email: Drop them a message at [email protected]. They’re pretty quick and usually get back to you within 24-48 hours.

Phone: Give them a call at 1-800-233-9054. They’re available Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 5 pm (EST).

Online Form: Fill out a form on Kalorik’s website under the “Contact Us” section. Just input your query or concern, and they’ll get back to you.

When reaching out to Kalorik’s customer service, make sure to give them as much detail as possible about the problem. This helps them understand what’s going on and find a solution faster. And if your air fryer is still under warranty, have that info handy—it might come in handy when you talk to them.


In conclusion, if your Kalorik Air Fryer isn’t turning on despite trying the troubleshooting steps, don’t worry. Reach out to Kalorik’s customer service team via email, phone, or online form. They’re there to assist you and get your air fryer back up and running smoothly in no time. Remember to provide detailed information about the issue to help them help you better.


There may be an issue with the power outlet or the air fryer’s internal components. Attempt connecting it to an alternate socket to ascertain if that resolves the concern. If not, it may require further troubleshooting or contacting customer service.

Yes, power surges can sometimes affect electrical appliances, including air fryers. If you suspect a power surge, try resetting the circuit breaker and unplugging the air fryer for a few minutes before trying again.

While rare, manufacturing defects can occur. If you’ve exhausted all troubleshooting steps and the air fryer still doesn’t work, there may be a defect. Contact Kalorik customer service for assistance, especially if your air fryer is still under warranty.

It’s not recommended to attempt repairs yourself, especially if you’re not familiar with electrical appliances. Attempting to fix the air fryer yourself could void the warranty or cause further damage. It’s best to seek assistance from Kalorik’s customer service or a professional technician.

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